52 research outputs found

    Measuring the Optical Properties of Human Muscle Tissue using Time-of-Flight Spectroscopy in the Near Infrared

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    Optical spectroscopy is commonly used in technology and science today. The presence and concentration of a substance can be determined by its spectral signature, the typical wavelengths that are absorbed (or emitted) by the atoms or molecules. Standard absorption spectroscopy requires that the substance is clear and that the optical path-length is known to obtain quantitative information. Unfortunately in many materials, such as human tissue or pharmaceutical tablets, there are also a strong scattering of light which complicates measurements. The pathlength of the light is now no longer known and the intensity of the detected light can in many cases be more affected by high scattering than by the absorption values. One method to separate these two values are photon Time-of-Flight Spectroscopy (TOFS). By sending many short light pulses through a sample, and recording the time for a single photon to arrive at our detector for each pulse, we can build a histogram that represents the broadening of the light pulse that is determined by both the scattering and absorption. By tting computer generated theoretical curves against the recorded histogram, we can extract the values for absorption and scattering from the curve with the best fit. The Biophotonics group at the department of Physics at Lund University has implemented a system that can deliver continuous absorption/ scattering spectra from 500 nm to 1400 nm. It uses a broadband laser as source and tunable optical filters to select narrow wavelength bands for measurements. In this thesis we expanded the set-up with a new laser source and new filters. We performed tests comparing measurements using the new filter with results from the old system. We could show that the new lter gave better results, due to the sharper line width of the output light pulse. Study were also conducted on the absorption and scattering spectra of muscle tissue in the near infrared, between 650 nm and 1350 nm, probing the lower left arm of a volunteer. This was performed by positioning two optical fibres against the skin, sending light in with one and measuring the scattered light arriving at the second. The results are shown to be comparable to other studies done for wavelengths up to 1000 nm, and give new data up to 1350 nm that is consistent with the properties of the main absorbing components in this range, lipids and water. One uncertainty that appear in the results are due to the compression of the tissue by the fibres, this is something that should be addressed in repeat measurement that where not possible to perform in this study.Att anvÀnda hur ljus absorberas för att ta reda pÄ nÄgot om ett Àmne Àr inget konstigt, vi har alla gjort det. NÀr vi blandar ett glas saft tittar vi pÄ fÀrgen och kan sÀga av erfarenhet hur stark den Àr. Precis pÄ samma sÀtt fungerar absorptionsspektroskopi, genom att titta pÄ hur mycket ljus som passerar genom ett material kan vi bestÀmma koncentrationen av ett Àmne vi Àr intresserade av, om vi mÀter hur mycket ljus detta Àmne absorberar och vet hur lÄng vÀg genom materialet som ljusstrÄlen gÄr. Olika fÀrger pÄ ljuset, olika vÄglÀngder, absorberas olika mycket av Àmnen, och detta kan anvÀndas för att bestÀmma vad som finns i det vi tittar pÄ. PÄ sÄ sÀtt kan vi enkelt skilja pÄ gul apelsinsaft och röd jordgubbssaft. För saft Àr detta enkelt, men det blir mycket svÄrare för till exempel mjölk. Anledningen till att mjölk Àr vit Àr nÀmligen att allt ljus som kommer in i mjölken sprids, det studsar runt mellan smÄ fettdroppar och luftbubblor. Detta gör att det Àr omöjligt att veta hur lÄng strÀcka ljuset gÄtt igenom mjölken, för vi vet inte hur mÄnga gÄnger det Àndrat riktning pÄ vÀgen. Nu beror mÀngden ljus som passerar materialet pÄ bÄde spridningen och absorptionen, och vi mÄste ta hÀnsyn till bÀgge vÀrden. Det gÄr inte enkelt att skilja pÄ olika mjölktyper bara genom att titta pÄ dem. Ett sÀtt att mÀta bÄde absorption och spridning som anvÀnds i denna avhandling kallas photon Time-of-Flight Spectroscopy, pTOFS, dÀr man mÀter den tid det tar för enstaka ljuspartiklar, fotoner, att passera igenom materialet. Genom att göra mÄnga mÀtningar kan man bygga upp en graf som representerar den statistiska fördelningen av tiden det tar för fotonerna att passera, och formen pÄ denna graf innehÄller information om hur mycket absorption och spridning som ljuset utsatts för pÄ sin vÀg. Genom att göra datorberÀkningar dÀr vi varierar spridning och absorption kan vi ta fram teoretiska grafer med kÀnda vÀrden. Sedan jÀmför vi datorgraferna med de uppmÀtta, och nÀr vi hittar en som ser exakt likadan ut sÄ kan vi lÀsa av vÀrdena för absorption och spridning. En typ av kraftigt spridande material Àr biologisk vÀvnad. Det finns redan mÄnga metoder att fÄ fram information om vÀvnad, t.ex. röntgen, magnetkamera eller vÀvnadsprov. Fördelen med att anvÀnda ljus framför andra metoder Àr att det inte orsakar nÄgon skada pÄ vÀvnaden och det Àr relativt snabbt och billigt. Den stora nackdelen Àr att ljuset inte förmÄr trÀnga in sÄ lÄngt i vÀvnaden, typiskt nÄn millimeter till nÄgra centimeter beroende pÄ vÀvnadstyp och ljusets vÄglÀngd. Denna avhandling har som mÄl att mÀta vÀrden för absorption och spridning i mÀnsklig muskelvÀvnad för infrarött ljus. Detta har utförts med en pTOFS-uppstÀllning pÄ avdelningen för atomfysik vid Lunds Universitet. Först installeras nya delar för att fÄ bÀttre ljusstyrka och vi utvÀrderar dessa, för att sedan mÀta upp absorption och spridningsvÀrden för en muskel pÄ en frivillig persons underarm. Resultaten visar att det Àr möjligt att anvÀnda metoden en bit in i det infraröda omrÄdet, men sedan ökar absorptionen frÄn vatten i vÀvnaden kraftigt och omöjliggör vidare mÀtning

    Use of an Immobilized Monoclonal Antibody to Examine Integrin α5ÎČ1 Signaling Independent of Cell Spreading

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    Cell attachment to the extracellular matrix (ECM) engages integrin signaling into the cell, but part of the signaling response also stem from cell spreading (3). To analyze specific integrin signaling-mediated responses independent of cell spreading, we developed a method engaging integrin signaling by use of an immobilized anti-integrin monoclonal antibody (mab) directed against the fibronectin (FN) receptor integrin α5ÎČ1. ECV 304 cells were plated onto FN or immobilized mab JBS5 (anti-integrin α5ÎČ1) or onto poly-L-lysin (P-L-L), which mediates integrin-independent attachment. Cells attached and spread on FN, while cells on JBS5 or P-L-L attached but did not spread. Importantly, plating onto FN or mab JBS5 gave rise to identical integrin-induced responses, including a down-regulation of the cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk2) inhibitors p21(CIP1) and p27(KIP1), while attachment to P-L-L did not. We conclude that engagement of the FN-receptor integrin α5ÎČ1 induces integrin signaling regulating the Cdk2-inhibitors independent of cell spreading and present a method for how integrin signaling can be analyzed separate from the effects of cell spreading

    Integrin-mediated Cell Attachment Induces a PAK4-dependent Feedback Loop Regulating Cell Adhesion through Modified Integrin αvÎČ5 Clustering and Turnover

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    This article presents a novel mechanism deployed by cells to tune cell adhesion levels through the autoinhibitory regulation of integrin adhesion involving the activation of PAK4

    Single fluorescent protein-based Ca2+ sensors with increased dynamic range

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genetically encoded sensors developed on the basis of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-like proteins are becoming more and more popular instruments for monitoring cellular analytes and enzyme activities in living cells and transgenic organisms. In particular, a number of Ca<sup>2+ </sup>sensors have been developed, either based on FRET (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer) changes between two GFP-mutants or on the change in fluorescence intensity of a single circularly permuted fluorescent protein (cpFP).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we report significant progress on the development of the latter type of Ca<sup>2+ </sup>sensors. Derived from the knowledge of previously reported cpFP-based sensors, we generated a set of cpFP-based indicators with different spectral properties and fluorescent responses to changes in Ca<sup>2+ </sup>concentration. Two variants, named Case12 and Case16, were characterized by particular high brightness and superior dynamic range, up to 12-fold and 16.5-fold increase in green fluorescence between Ca<sup>2+</sup>-free and Ca<sup>2+</sup>-saturated forms. We demonstrated the high potential of these sensors on various examples, including monitoring of Ca<sup>2+ </sup>response to a prolonged glutamate treatment in cortical neurons.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We believe that expanded dynamic range, high brightness and relatively high pH-stability should make Case12 and Case16 popular research tools both in scientific studies and high throughput screening assays.</p

    Community standards for open cell migration data

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    Cell migration research has become a high-content field. However, the quantitative information encapsulated in these complex and high-dimensional datasets is not fully exploited owing to the diversity of experimental protocols and non-standardized output formats. In addition, typically the datasets are not open for reuse. Making the data open and Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) will enable meta-analysis, data integration, and data mining. Standardized data formats and controlled vocabularies are essential for building a suitable infrastructure for that purpose but are not available in the cell migration domain. We here present standardization efforts by the Cell Migration Standardisation Organisation (CMSO), an open community-driven organization to facilitate the development of standards for cell migration data. This work will foster the development of improved algorithms and tools and enable secondary analysis of public datasets, ultimately unlocking new knowledge of the complex biological process of cell migration

    New control of the senescence barrier in breast cancer

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    Normal cells exposed to cancer-causing events respond by triggering cellular senescence, a stress response which halts cell proliferation and constitutes a protective anti-cancer barrier. We have uncovered a previously unknown signaling pathway implicating p21-activated kinase 4 (PAK4) in the control of senescence in breast cancer, via the nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-ÎșB) subunit RELB and the CCAAT-enhancer-binding protein beta (C/EBPÎČ)
